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Updates on Intermittent Fasting

Reflection on Intermittent Fasting

Embarking on the intermittent fasting journey nearly two weeks ago, I've observed some significant transformations within myself, most notably in my weight. This method, confining my meals to the window between 1 PM and 9 PM, has indeed started to show its merits through tangible results. Yet, this journey hasn't been without its challenges.

The most pronounced shift I've noticed has been in my morning routine. Historically, mornings have been my powerhouse hours, kick-started by the ritual of breakfast, which not only fueled my body but also signaled the start of a productive day. Removing this cornerstone of my day has unexpectedly dimmed my usual surge of morning energy, leaving me searching for new ways to ignite my day's momentum.

Weekends have brought their own set of reflections. The tradition of gathering with my family over breakfast, a cherished time of bonding and laughter, has been noticeably absent. This realization has led me to ponder the balance between the pursuit of personal health goals and the maintenance of precious family moments.

In light of these insights, I am adapting my approach to find a more harmonious balance. To gently awaken my body in the absence of a full breakfast, I've decided to introduce milk into my mornings. Furthermore, I am granting myself flexibility on weekends, allowing those cherished family breakfasts to resume their rightful place in my life. This adjusted strategy represents my commitment to a journey that is not just about physical health, but also about nurturing the soul and the invaluable connections that sustain it.

As I continue to navigate the path of intermittent fasting, I am reminded that the pursuit of wellness is both a personal and collective journey, requiring continuous adjustment and openness to change. Finding the optimum way forward is not just about adhering strictly to a regimen but about listening to the needs of my body and heart, and responding with kindness and flexibility.

#health #personal