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New Year, New Me: My 2024 Resolutions with an Accountability Twist


As February unfolds, the initial rush of New Year's resolutions has begun to fade for many, replaced by the reality of daily routines and challenges. Yet, it's never too late to recalibrate and refocus, especially when you introduce an accountability buddy into the mix. This year, I'm embarking on a journey to not only set resolutions but to see them through with the support of a few trusted friends. To ensure we're not merely drifting towards our goals but actively steering towards them, we've established quarterly checkpoints—a series of dedicated sessions to meticulously assess our progress and recalibrate our strategies as necessary. There is this quote "Shared goals are more likely to be achieved", so I am taking this opportunity to share it on the Internet!

Financial Management

The cornerstone of a prosperous future lies in the bedrock of financial wellness. This year, I'm dedicating myself to the meticulous tracking of my expenses and the strict adherence to a budget. Past attempts at cultivating this practice have faltered, never quite solidifying into habit. Recognizing these challenges, my strategy for 2024 is to embrace simplicity: establish a clear, monthly budget and commit to recording every expenditure without fail. This streamlined approach is designed not just to foster discipline but to transform budgeting from a task into a transformative habit.

Personal Development: Growing One Page at a Time

In this era where digital distractions are ever-present, finding the time to immerse oneself in the pages of a book or the introspection of journaling has become a rare indulgence. This year, I'm setting forth a dual commitment: to finish one book every quarter and to journal daily. This dual endeavor is not just about personal enrichment but about reclaiming the luxury of focused, reflective time. This year, my reading focus will be on non-fiction, particularly management and technology books, to deepen my professional understanding and stay aligned with the latest industry insights. This synergy of literary exploration and introspective journaling promises to be a powerful catalyst for growth, transforming these activities from solitary pursuits into a collective voyage of discovery and self-improvement.

Tutoring for Coding / Starting Personal Projects

For me, coding transcends mere proficiency; it embodies a fervent passion. This year, I am determined to channel this zeal into tutoring others and initiating my own personal projects. With clear milestones mapped out and the unwavering support of my best friend propelling me forward, every progress made is not just a step, but a significant leap towards achieving both personal and professional gratification. As for the tutoring aspect, I've meticulously prepared my profile, casting it into the digital sea with the hope that it will beacon to those seeking guidance. Here's to the anticipation of making meaningful connections and embarking on this exciting journey!

Start Working Out and Look Good

A healthy body is the cornerstone of a rich and fulfilling life. In the past, my fitness pursuits were driven by the ambition to lift heavier, always pushing the limits of physical strength. However, this year marks a shift in my approach towards fitness—it's about embracing consistency and celebrating incremental progress rather than chasing an elusive ideal of perfection. Together, we'll exchange workout routines, meticulously monitor our advancements, and likely share a chuckle or two over the inevitable aches that come with growth. This journey transcends the superficial goal of merely looking good; it's a deeper quest to nurture well-being, ensuring that we feel as vibrant on the inside as we appear on the outside.

I want to share that I woke up early to hit the gym and I am happy about it!

Thank you everyone for reading, and let's work hard together!

#2024 #fitness #friends #goals #health #personal